I Feel Like Sh*t
After a week of emotional stress (relationship), insomnia, crazy hectic work week, late night shopping endeavors, poor nutrition (no time!), exposure to various cooties, a lot of going outside in the cold, a bunch of heavy lifting and time spent immersed in allergens and dry air, I feel like shit. Haha I sound like one of those spoof Christmas songs about the stresses of the season.
ALL of my bills were due this week and with the shopping I've done, I'm just about out of money until Wednesday. But I'm not done shopping. And I have to eat.
Dammit! I just realized the really nice large cup of fresh fruit I bought last night to eat today has been sitting out all night/morning. :(
My body is absolutely craving health and nourishment. Mmmm I can just taste those yummy succulent berries and pineapple.
Jill says I can still eat it. Yay!
I have a lot of crafty stuff to do today. Decorating funny stockings for the roommates. Making mom's gift (I'll moblog it when finished). And a similar project for Christine. My humungous Christmas card undertaking ... Even though I can't recall ever successfully mailing out plain old cards, for some reason I decided that this year I would transfer different pictures from my camera phone of people's pets (my petsitting clients) to my computer, edit them and somehow print them (Kodak kiosk or hook up a printer and buy photo paper) and insert them in photo frame cards. In addition to doing regular cards for everyone else. And I have zero addresses procured at this point.
I think I've decided to cancel all the fun stuff I was hoping to do today. Cuz it's far away and I'm tired & feel crappy. I was going to visit Christine and then cross the street to Pentagon City for shopping. And see Ocean's 12 w/ her & Lex. And go to her parent's party and then her friend's party.
I am craving Christmas cookies. Hopefully there will be some at my aunt & uncle's open house tomorrow, when I get to meet my cousin's baby (if it turns out I don't have cooties). This baby is the first of the next generation on my mom's side of the family.
I just remembered that Flurry's mom is getting married today. I hope it all goes splendidly.
I'm gonna go use a coupon and get lunch now.