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I'm going crazy, why don't you come along?

Wednesday, March 15, 2006


I want to be more proactive and not so reactive. And I want to improve my social skills. So I will be working on those goals more.

I have recently slacked on the "dieting," which I prefer to call eating healthy. But I am doing better at it again and fortunately didn't gain much. I basically gave myself a break from limiting my foods while recovering the weight and strength from being so sick.

I went shopping with some girlfriends Sunday and bought pants in two different stores, and had my body scanned in the Levi's store, confirming that I have dropped 2 sizes and am now an 8!!! That's a single-digit size!!! Yay!!! I feel prettier, healthier, less self-conscious. I wore a skirt and skimpy shirt on Friday and it felt great.

I've also been getting up earlier every day so my mornings belong to me and aren't a rushed and stressful start to the day. It's a bit of a struggle as I haven't gotten the going to bed earlier part down yet.

Sorry nothing funny to share today. Just wanted to quickly post my progress on taking charge of being who I want to be.

Oh and in other news I finally am getting some weekend days off (about 3 or 4 per month). Yay!!!