Bloggity bloggity

I'm going crazy, why don't you come along?

Monday, January 30, 2006


I'm home. Finished pet-sitting this evening, drove home, drove to my parents' house, drove to the car shop, drove to Walmart (I forgot I'm not supposed to shop there because of their employment practices and stuff but Brian wanted a cord for his new toy but they didn't have it but I bought gym clothes), drove to Fridays, drank and ate and drank another, let Brian drive us home, played w/ Mr. Nibbles cuz I hadn't seen him in a while, surfed my regular pages & checked e-mail. Sooooo tired. Dogs got me up early the last three mornings. Yesterday was a long day of work. Today was a lot of driving and walking (Pet Expo at state fair grounds north of Baltimore). I bought really cute stuff there. And got to hang out with Stephanie some. It's good to be home. I'm going to go to bed. Good night!

Wednesday, January 25, 2006


****Warning. I know some people who really love animals read this blog. This post is gross and upsetting. Sorry. I just had to tell it.****

Lotsa pet-sitting. Soon lots more work when we become even more short-handed. Sunday is my last weekend day off for an unknown amount of time, but I will be dogsitting. Hoping to make it to the Pet Expo at the state fairgrounds.

So this morning ... I leave the house where I was dogsitting long enough to go one neighborhood over to take care of the cats I'm catsitting. They are staying confined to their basement so they don't run amock (sp?) while their owners are away. I opened the door to the basement and could see what looked very much like a not-very-small dead animal (but not a cat) downstairs by the empty cat food dish. Yup. It was just that. It was a ... squirrel. Minus one foot and with a soggy chewed-on tail. Huh.

In other petsitting troubles ... I scraped my car up on a stone half-wall backing out of another petsitting driveway Saturday. It looks quite ugly. I have so much trouble backing out of people's curvy, hilly driveways in my low bucket seat with the high back and the tiny window. The funny thing is when I got home and parked my car and was walking toward my house, I noticed that all 3 of my roommates cars have dents or scrapes in the same place, so it must be a hard part of your car to keep track of! (Passenger side behind the door/in front of the wheel)

I'm still following my diet, and not cheating much but I frequently end up skipping the veggies or fruit, so I've gotta work on that. And start taking my vitamins. I'm down 5.5 pounds I think. The scale is indecisive/inconsistent. My pants/belt are looser. I have NOT been to the gym in 12 days! Bad Laura! Petsitting makes it a little harder, but mostly its my lack of enthusiasm for torturing my out-of-shape body. I know I'll feel alot better if I just do it...

I should be playing with my hamster and putting sheets on my bed and folding laundry and maybe even sleeping. Good night!

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Results are Coming In

I lost 4 pounds!!!!! It's working!!!!

Sunday, January 08, 2006


I feel like crap from the detox. I've had insomnia and my blood sugar isn't staying as level as it's supposed to. And the gym made me hurt. I have caffeine withdrawal headaches and sluggishness too. My body is freaking out by the sudden switch to healthy foods. When do I start to get energy?

Thursday, January 05, 2006

On Screen

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Coming Soon

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Shopping List

What should I get with my gift cards?

Hell Yeah!

I am actually making the changes I have wanted so badly to make. Really doing the new year resolution thing.
I am eating so healthy!!!!
I am using eDiets' Glycemic Impact Diet and following their explicit, detailed instructions. I'm cooking and everything. I have food in my house. Healthy food.
So I will have lost the weight I wanna lose pretty much just in time for my BIG birthday. (Start planning now ... April 7 ... I will be celebrating the big THREE-OH!)
I'm trying the gym tomorrow and will probably join after my free week. Brian joined last month and loves it.
I am developing a budget. And using software and a new planner to stay organized. I will be working for a busy pet-sitting business on the side for mo' money.
We are cleaning up the house so we can enjoy it as a home.
2006 is going to be the year I become a responsible grown-up who takes care of herself and is healthy and happy with some balance in her life.
I will play my musical instruments, I will play fun games, I will see my family and friends.
I will learn and grow.
I am very excited because I know I'm gonna succeed cuz I'm off to a great start and I'm extrememly motivated and I have support and plans and good resources to help me.