Bloggity bloggity

I'm going crazy, why don't you come along?

Tuesday, June 21, 2005


Happy First Day of Summer!

Also it's Bring Your Pet to Work Week. I don't think I'll me taking mine.

The new Laura starts her first day tomorrow (er technically today). She will need to change her name. I am the one and only, the original. There can be no other.

Oh I just realized it will be my one-year anniversary at the pet store today. Wow. Time flies...

Also this week: I am looking forward, with great enthusiasm, to getting my new camera phone. I can't wait until I have my hands on my new baby. She's so sweet. Hopefully they'll be in stock Thursday. And my new plan will include UNLIMITED pictures messages!!!! That means I can fill my moblog up with print quality pictures of every lame thing I do! And send a gazillion messages to my friends' phones showing them every lame thing I do! Hooray!

Saturday, June 11, 2005


I'm probably not coming home until Sunday night, so I'll have to finish my posts later.

Friday, June 10, 2005


Reminders to myself of what I want to write about. And teasers for you, my reader(s).

Rant #3: Heat

#4: Boys
  • at home
  • the boy
  • at work

#5: Drivers

#6: Customers

#7: ?? I forget but I'm sure there's more!

Next post: health vs. wealth

Rant #2

Oh I have a whole week full of rants to post. I have a little time to do so now that it's Friday night.

This one is entitled Phone Trouble.

Oops I'll have to write it later. We're going to go out to Fridays. After I shower the nasty day off me. I'll also have to write about that (the nasty day).



What is so frickin' hard about taking purchased items off a gift registry, people? They screwed it up at both stores when I bought gifts for my cousin. One place put things I bought for myself ONTO her registry. And didn't mark the towels I bought off the registry as purchased. The other place didn't mark the gift as purchased either. That lady was clueless when she rang me up. It's not rocket science! I hand you a paper with a barcode and instructions on it and you scan it and follow the instructions! At least I got gift receipts out of them so if she gets duplicates she can get something else.

Saturday, June 04, 2005


I have tarnished the Doggiegirl name. I completely embarrassed myself walking the 2 dogs I'm watching this weekend. They are brittany spaniels - medium-sized dogs. And one is old. And while not a trainer or even a dog owner, I consider myself a bit of an expert. Well I got schooled today.

These cute little doggies DRAGGED me down the street. I could NOT control them. No matter what techniques I employed. I almost fell. More than once. The old one pulled so hard I now need to wear my wrist brace. These girls are STRONG. And the older one does not listen. At all. Must pull. Must get to the park faster. Go go go.

They were weaving in opposite directions, tangling me in their leashes. They pulled me into trees, light posts, parked cars, down steep hills, nearly into traffic ... I felt so foolish. I couldn't get them to stop or listen or stay close to me or even go in the direction I wanted.

A big part of the problem was they were on harnesses and flexi-leads. So I scrounged around and found regular leashes for the next walk. And we're going to have to have a lesson in obedience and who's in charge before we head out next time.

Oh my god the old one is sleeping at my feet and is emitting such toxic gas that I must leave the computer. I'm really earning the money for this gig!