Weekend End
Missed the Pet Fiesta cuz I had to work. Didn't get to hang out with Stephanie & Dan. At least I made up for the pay I lost by going home sick Wednesday... Stephanie sent me a
cute pic from the Pet Fiesta of Dudley. He's a regular at the doggie daycare where I used to work & Stephanie still does.
Christine's housewarming party was fun. I met friendly, funny, interesting & intelligent people. And it was good to see those I already knew. Her place looks so good! I stayed overnight because I was quite tired after very little sleep and a long day.
On the way home through DC, I got lost and had a scary mishap. It happens EVERY SINGLE TIME I drive in DC. DC roads & signs SUCK. Northern Virginia takes a close second.
Anyway I was forced off 395 too early because I was too far over to the right. Oops. No signs until it's way too late! Then I end up under the tracks in an unsavory area. I'm so glad I wasn't doing this late last night when tired. I realize I'm going further away from where I need to be so I turn around. It really looked like a 2-way street...
I get to a large intersection and am perplexed by the lack of a traffic light. I'm too busy trying to recognize where I am to consider the real reason. The other road's cars have traffic lights... So while marveling at DC's strange intersection layout, I cross. I was suppressing the panic attack that arises every time I drive/get lost in DC.
I go another block and realize that every lane has cars coming TOWARD me. AHHHHHHH!!!! Immediate on-the-spot U-turn. WHAM! Hit the curb. Didn't sound too good under my car. Can't stop, cars coming. Tears are now coming too. I calmed myself down because I didn't want Christine, on the phone trying to help me, to know I was crying. I soon found my way. Geesh.
Didn't get much sleep last night either cuz I had to get home early to clean, clean, clean. Landlords visited today. (Yay for clean house!)
Then it was off to my parents' place to ride with them & my grandparents to my sister's for Mother's Day dinner. I enjoy my family, especially since I don't get to see them alot. Check out my camera phone
video of my sister demonstrating her butt-kicking skills.